Monday 15 February 2016

Tips for Hair removal – DIY Brazilian Wax, Smoother Shaving Advice

Hair removal can be difficult and painful, or smooth and easy, depending on the methods you use, the products, and your skills. For many women, nothing can be as effective as Brazilian wax for a clean smooth bikini line. Others feel it’s too difficult and expensive and would rather rely on shaving.

Shaving for smoother skin

Here is some smoother shaving advice, to ensure that even if you choose shaving over waxing you get smooth skin.

Use shaving gels that are unscented to avoid irritating sensitive skin. You would want to change the razor as often as required, because blunt blades make the process tedious and tend to cause burns and scrapes which you would want to avoid on sensitive areas of the body.

Do not shave against the direction of hair growth. This will cause razor burns and also, make the process difficult. After shaving, use a natural oil based lotion to moisturize skin. This is important because the shaving process might have exfoliated skin leaving it more prone to redness, particularly during dry weather.

Brazilian wax at home

If you choose to go the waxing route and want to avoid the pain and expenses, here are some DIY Brazilian wax tips:

Hygiene is very important. Carelessness could result in redness and even infections. Ideally, if you can afford it, you should let a professional handle the process. If not, here are some ways to carry out a safe DIY Brazilian wax.

Have a clean towel on the bench or floor. Also have adequate numbers of waxing sticks, and do not dip a stick twice into the wax. You might want to soften the skin a bit, by removing dead skin cells using a gentle exfoliating tool like a towel. Trimming hair to the right length is recommended. Apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth.

Your skin would be sensitive after waxing. You would want to avoid scented products, and keep the area moist but not too moist. Wear loose fitting clothing for a few hours and wash with lukewarm water.

Smoother shaving advice and the right way to carry out Brazilian waxing will help you maintain fuzz free bikini area.

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Sunday 13 December 2015

How to Fix Tired Looking Eyes: Easy, Expert Tips

Wondering how to fix tired looking eyes? Worry not. A few simple steps can give you a twinkle in the eye.

Expert tips
Chilled cucumber slices work great to freshen up eyes. Women who are into more natural remedies can use this method to fix their tired looking peepers. Cotton wool soaked in rose water also works great, so do ice tea bags. 

If you are unable to arrange for the above items, do this: rub your palms together to produce heat. Now place your palms immediately on your eyes. Let them stay for 2-3 minutes. Your eyes will feel fresh. You can apply this trick while at the workplace.

A good night’s sleep is important to keep your eyes fresh and bright. Long hours on the computer and television take a toll on eyes, say experts. They advise to take breaks every hour from the computer to avert eye strain.

Aging eyes
Aging can also make your eyes tired-looking and dull. Development of fine lines, dark circles, and eye bags contribute to snatching the brightness of your peepers. Invest in a good under eye cream to help combat dullness and darkness. The area under the eyes is highly delicate. Make sure you avoid rubbing it vigorously.

Experts advise to pat a cream on the area. Avoid massaging.

According to experts, tired looking eyes can make you look older than your real age. Even if you take care of your facial skin, your eyes can disclose your age, if not attended to properly.

Even the best makeup cannot hide the fatigue. So, make sure you get good sleep, eat a nutritious diet, and implement the above tips on how to fix tired looking eyes to keep your eyes fresh and younger looking.

Those wearing contact lenses must use monthly disposable lenses and adhere to instructions and hygiene. Never sleep with contact lenses on. It prevents good oxygen flow to eyes. Please remove all eye makeup before hitting the bed at night.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Smoother Shaving Advice, Celebrity Pouts, and Perfect Makeup: a Girl’s Guide

Winter has arrived. Well, that doesn’t mean you don’t shave your legs. Let those slender limbs beneath your jeans or trousers be as smooth and soft as a rose petal. Usually, women procrastinate doing this task because winter gives you the liberty of going hairy. Your body is covered.

Yet, for a lady who believes in living with beauty and style, smooth, flawless skin is the topmost priority—and this includes the skin all over her body.
Trademark celebrity pouts - and how they care for them 
Smoother Shaving Advice From the Expert’s Desk
·         Never ever shave without applying some foam onto the skin. Use a rich, moisturizing body wash or gel. Slather liberally.
·         Always use a clean razor. Never share your razor with another person no matter how much you love him or her. This is not about love; this is about transferring skin disease or bacteria from one person’s skin to another.
·         Sit in a comfortable position in a manner that you can shave your entire leg.
·         Avoid pressing the razor too much on the skin. You might cut yourself.
·         After the process is over, slather on liberal amounts of moisturizer.

For women who are more inclined toward using nature’s bounty with regard to beauty, peanut butter or a paste of honey and milk cream can serve as a great alternative to body wash. Skin becomes soft and silky using these products. It also tends to dry less.

Ensure a smoother shaving experience with a little advice from the experts. Similarly, you can take advice for makeup to perfect the art of looking good. Makeup application requires practice and patience. You cannot expect to score full marks on the first try.

Getting perfectly done smoky eyes, or just the right amount of blush to create rosy cheeks, or the look of a celebrity pout is a matter of skill. This comes with daily trials. Don’t be disheartened if you fail to get your makeup right the first time.

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Sunday 5 October 2014

Top 10 tips to avoid aging

Different people age differently. How fast or slow your skin begins to wrinkle is a function of your genes, your lifestyle, eating habits, living environment as well as other contributing factors. Some of these factors are within your control, while others are not. This article examines the top ten ways to help you slow the clock and look young for as long as you can.

  1. Minimize sun exposure in peak afternoon hours, and make sure that you use a protective sunscreen on all exposed skin whenever you step out of your house.
  2. Avoid drastic weight fluctuations and dietary restrictions. Staying within 5 to 10 pounds of your ideal weight ensures that your skin will not sag or stretch needlessly. Fad diets also deprive the body of essential nutrients and may cause skin damage in the long run.
  3. Make sure to drink enough water and juices. Hydrated skin looks and feels softer to the touch, making you look younger.
  4. Don’t underestimate the power of the good fats found in olive oil, almonds, salmon, avocado, flaxseed, and walnuts. Included judiciously in your daily diet, these lend a much-needed glow to an otherwise dull complexion.
  5. Avoid prolonged high-impact aerobic exercises like jogging or running. Switch to a combination of low-intensity workouts and weight training, which will give the same results without the collagen damage.
  6. Reduce or give up smoking altogether as cigarette smoke reduces the ability of skin to regenerate itself and accelerates the signs of aging.
  7. Hold onto a few extra pounds if you can to preserve your subcutaneous fat layer that helps smooth fine lines.
  8. Avoid stress–both physical as well as emotional–to escape frown lines and look your smiling best every day.
  9. Get at least 8 hours of beauty sleep every night and a catnap at every available opportunity.
  10. Invest in a good night cream with anti-aging ingredients that can help restore your skin’s natural balance while you sleep.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Almond Oil For Skin


Writing this article for you was a pleasure, I hope it will be likewise for you’re to read it.
Anyone who has had honey roasted almonds as a snack or indulged in almonds as a topping on sundaes, desserts, or salads knows that almonds are a healthy, tasty addition to any meal. As matter of fact, did you know that almond oil for skin is another useful attribute to come from this amazing little seed? Here are a few reasons you should include almond oil in your healthful routine.

As such, almonds come in two varieties: bitter almonds and sweet almonds. Growers can determine the flavor by what color the trees blossoms are. White blooms bring sweet almonds, while pink blooms bring bitter. Almond oil itself is created when almonds are pressed. Both sweet and bitter oils are used in cooking and beauty regimens alike.

Almonds are naturally high in vitamin E, which makes them ideal as hair care and skin care products. The resulting oil is smooth and silky, with a faint, pleasing fragrance. Whether you use it as massage oil, a natural moisturizer, or a way to keep your scalp and hair healthy and strong, using sweet almond oil on your skin and hair is a wonderful, affordable way to look your best.

Sweet almond oil is used for more than just skin care products, as matter of fact. It is also plays a significant role in the creation of sweets such as marzipan, cookies, cakes, and other treats. Despite its name, it is also a primary ingredient in condiments such as mayonnaise and a variety of sauces and dressings and more.

What about bitter almond oil for skin? It has a variety of benefits as well, including being a potent facial cleanser. It is also great for preventing hangovers. However, due to the high amount of cyanide in bitter almonds, one must be careful when using this beneficial oil. It is never a good idea to apply or ingest too much. However, when it comes to cooking with bitter oil, you have the advantage of being able to enhance the flavor of a variety of different foods, from cakes to cookies. In using a small amount, you can boost the sweetness in the food without making it bitter.

With this in mind, it is easy to see why both sweet and bitter almond oils are ideal for you. Whether you decide to use them for hair and skin care or in your daily cooking, you will be able to rest easy in the knowledge that you are using a substance that is both healthy and tasty. Learn more today about how this amazing substance can boost your health!

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Is Summer Ruining Your Gorgeous Hair?

Did you know that 50 hours of sun exposure is equivalent to 30 minutes of bleach? So it is no surprise that spending lots of time outdoors in the sun and in the lake or pool, that your hair can be seriously damaged once fall rolls around. If you want to keep your hair looking strong, healthy and fresh, you need to be proactive about the damage the summer will provide to your hair and know how to fight it properly.

First of all, if your hair is colored or highlighted, sun exposure and frequent shampooing will fade your hair color the fastest. Be sure to use a shampoo and conditioner for color-treated hair and don’t shampoo every day unless your hair is very oily. Use a dry shampoo in between days to keep your color shining brightly. Also, use a sunblock formulated for your hair or choose a spray that contains SPF. When you’re out for long periods of time in the sun, wear a hat or a scarf to cover your locks.

Second, lay off the hair dryer and other hot tools and stay away from metal brushes. If you use these tools regularly, use a thermal protectant spray or cream to protect your hair from the heat that fades your color and damages your hair. A natural bristle brush is also best for keeping hair strong and healthy.

Third, if you’re a big swimmer in the summer, the salt water or chlorine will fry your hair. If you’re swimming in a chlorine-filled pool regularly, invest in a clarifying shampoo made specifically for swimmers for the summer or try a simple apple cider vinegar rinse. To prevent chlorine buildup and damage, put an oil that contains SPF in your hair before you swim or wear a swim cap. Be sure to rinse and wash your hair thoroughly after you’re done swimming too. Be sure to use a deep conditioner every week to replace the moisture lost from sun and water exposure too.

If you head to a summer home often that uses well water or hard water, think about installing a filtering system because it removes 95% of chlorine and other chemicals from the water, which save your hair.

Lastly, remember you are what you eat! Be sure to eat a balanced diet, take your vitamins and drink lots of water. Biotin is a great vitamin for hair health if you need a little boost.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

7 Things Your Hair Says About Your Health

Your hair says a lot about you. But did you know it can alert you to different health conditions? Changes in your hair’s look, texture, or thickness can be a sign or symptom of a health condition. Here are some hair symptoms and conditions they may be linked to. Remember to always see your doctor if you think you may have a health condition and don’t diagnose yourself based only on hair symptoms.

First of all, stress can actually turn your hair gray. Gray hair is dictated by your genes and for some people extended stress and trauma can speed up the growth of gray hair.

If you find yourself with very brittle hair, high blood pressure, fatigue and back pain, you may have Cushing’s Syndrome. This is a rare condition caused by excess cortisol in the body. If you simply have brittle hair, then you probably don’t have this rare disease, but definitely get yourself checked out if you have more than one symptom.

Dry, thinning hair and thyroid disease are very closely connected. A thyroid disease called hypothyroidism can cause hair shedding and a change in hair’s appearance. Other symptoms include being tired all the time, cold tolerance, joint pain, muscle pain, puffy face and weight gain.

If your hair starts shedding way more than normal, you could be anemic. Anemia is caused by low iron in the body. Iron supplements or eating more iron-rich foods can help you keep your hair from falling out. A blood test is usually ordered for those who complain of hair changes. Anemia is common in vegetarians or women with heavy periods. Hair shedding also happens in women temporarily after pregnancy or stopping birth control pills.

You may also notice hair thinning if you have a protein deficiency. Protein is essential in building and growing your hair. For most people, getting enough protein is very easy, but those with digestive issues may need more protein. But for the most part, hair thinning is not due to protein deficiency, but genetics.

If you notice yellow or white flakes in your hair or even in your eyebrows, it is a sign of dandruff. Dandruff is caused by yeast on the skin or inflammation of the skin and usually gets worse in the winter when skin can get very dry. Luckily, dandruff is very easy to treat and most every store has special shampoos to cure dandruff.

Lastly, losing your hair could point to a very serious autoimmune disease. Whenever you notice too much hair falling out or your hair becomes a very different texture or has a very different feel to it, you may want to get yourself checked out to eliminate any conditions or diseases. If your hair is simply changing due to age, visit your salon for tips.

Remember that damaged hair can’t tell you what you need to know about your health. When your hair is over treated and damaged from coloring and chemically treating it for years, it will be dry and brittle and you won’t be able to tell if a condition is causing it or if it is the damage from hot tools and chemical treatments. So do your hair and your health a favor and try to cut down on the damage causing treatments.